Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
77 Fraser St , Tauranga

Introduction to Colon Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is water therapy. The concept involves the process of infusing warm filtered water into the rectum with the objective of cleaning or evacuating the colon.

This procedure removes fecal material from the colon walls and dilutes the bacterial toxic concentration in the large intestine. It has provided great assistance with constipation, diarrhea, acute fecal impaction, colitis, parasitic infections, a tonic colon, bloating, mild hemorrhoids, intestinal toxemia, and nutrient supplementation.

The cleansing effects of colon irrigation reduce stagnation and subsequent bacterial production in the colon and maintain the harmony of intestinal flora for optimum health.


Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation, is the infusion of ultra-filtered warm water into the colon via the rectum. Gentle flushing of the colon softens fecal waste and impacted solids that may have collected over time and washes them away. Our specially designed equipment uses gravity-fed water flow and is very safe.

Our colon hydro-therapists assist clients as required, ensuring comfort, safety and the highest standards of hygiene.

Hydrate the body…

Soften and remove hardened toxic faecal matter…

Stimulate and strengthen the nerves, muscles, glands, circulatory and immune components of the digestive system to enhance appropriate function and elimination.

Stimulate peristalsis (the natural wavelike muscular movement that moves waste through the intestines)…

Cleanse the intestinal wall to allow better nutrient absorption.

The number of sessions will depend on the individual needs of each client. Most people on the standard Kiwi-style diet will need a series of six to eight treatments fairly close together to receive a thorough cleansing of the colon. Then a monthly maintenance treatment is suggested to keep the colon cleaned and toned.

The colon is the last five feet of the digestive tract. It is a hollow, tube-like organ made up of muscle structure that moves digested food along by a wavelike notion known as peristaltic action.

The colon is the living area for a host of bacteria that produce vitamins, such as K and some B vitamins. The colon also absorbs water, nutrients, proteins and cell salts back into the blood stream.

Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure used to assist, the body for a wide variety of different colon-related conditions. By retuning the bowel wall & improving colon functions, the entire body is able to function more efficiently.

According to Dr. John Kellogg, M.D., Founder of Kellogg Cereals. “The cause of a disease so universal in civilized communities must be very numerous to produce this condition in so great a number of people living under many different conditions and with different habits of life.

In general, it may be said that the cause of constipation are abnormal habits or conditions of life, the result of what we call civilization.

Primitive man rarely suffered from constipation!”

Dr, Kellogg said adults are more likely to suffer from constipation than children, although the malady begins early in life. He further states that women are more subject than men to intestinal activity. In fact, he said four-fifths of all women suffer from constipation from their youth, onward. Briefly summarizing the several acts by which the colon empties are:
1. contraction of the diaphragm-occurs in deep breathing.
2. contraction of the abdominal muscle.
3. pressure of the thighs against abdomen. (as in squatting position assumed by primitive man) reflex contraction of abdominal muscles.
4. contraction of the colon.
5. relaxation of the anus.
6. contraction of the levator-ani muscles.
Any influence which interferes with a single one of these may cause constipation!
Note: special made stools/steps placed around toilet to accomplish the squatting position are available to purchase from most Therapistis.

One session will empty part of the colon. As many doctors have written in health books, I also recommend two sessions the first week, (back to back- one today, one tomorrow ) two sessions the second week, and one a week for the nest eight weeks.
After the fifth session, I have found that the colon starts to release the old, sludge waste.
After completion of all twelve sessions, most clients return every couple of months for maintenance purposes.
Each person will determine when to return.

Many clients have reported that colon hydrotherapy has cleared up acne, allergies, as well as asthma.
They also tell me about the increase in energy, and how calm they feel. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure for a wide variety of many health problems. By retuning and improving elimination, we remove the number one source of disease in the body.
In addition, we open up the bowel to a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption, both of which are essential to any lasting healing process. This is also the first step towards normalizing the bowel so that the friendly bacteria will return to keep the colon safe from putrefaction and any further auto-intoxication.

Colon hydrotherapy retrains the muscle or the bowel to regain strength. After a series, most people regain the normal bowel function of one movement per day. A healthy bowel may have two to three bowel movements a day, depending on what you eat. Trouble is usually first recognized by an individual as constipation or diarrhea. These danger signs along with foul – smelling stool and gas may be overlooked. Golden brown used to be considered the normal colour, but now that vegetables are recommended the colour reflects the vegetables.

The most miserable people on earth are people with inefficient elimination. Some of the signs of a toxic colon are: coated tongue, fetid breath, sallow complexion, abnormal body odor, dark circles under the eyes, cold hands and feet, brittle nails and hair, sagging posture (pot belly), tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, chronic headaches, irritability, nervousness, nausea, depression, asthma, and backaches.

When sufferers finally visit a physician, they usually relate a history of one or more of these complaints that go back years: constipation, coated tongue, fetid breath, sallow complexion, dark circles under the eyes, abnormal body odor, cold hands and feet, blood pressure up or down, brittle nails and hair, sagging posture (pot belly), tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, menstrual problems, swelling of legs, asthma, backache, and loss of memory or concentration.

When one feels the urge to eliminate and immediately honors the urge by a trip to the toilet, elimination is quick and painless and will feel complete. Stools are medium to light brown, have very little odor and will break up in the water.

One of the safest ways is a combination of diet, exercise and Colon hydrotherapy. It is the gentle infusion of filtered, temperature controlled water, into the colon, by way of a sterile-disposable rectal tube or speculum. Water in – waste matter flushed out.

No! toxic waste is found throughout the body. When toxins cannot be eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, perspiration or lungs, the body must store them in the tissue of the body.

Some favorite spots for storage are fat cells, joints, muscles, arteries, the liver and other organs.

Colon hydrotherapy works to soothe and tone the colon helping it to eliminate more efficiently. The function as a whole reduces the burden on other organs and the lymphatic system which is our main line of defence against harmful bacteria.

(1) One way is to remove the toxins so the beneficial has a cleaner house to live in.
(2) The second way is to reintroduce the Bifidus Bacteria that normally populates the colon.
(Bifidus “friendly bacteria” is available at most health Food Stores.)

Many clients have reported that colon hydrotherapy has cleared up acne, allergies, as well as asthma.
They also tell me about the increase in energy, and how calm they feel. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure for a wide variety of many health problems. By retuning and improving elimination, we remove the number one source of disease in the body.
In addition, we open up the bowel to a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption, both of which are essential to any lasting healing process. This is also the first step towards normalizing the bowel so that the friendly bacteria will return to keep the colon safe from putrefaction and any further autointoxication.

Few medical doctors treat the whole person, they are specialists in a particular field.
Their training is treating symptoms of disease.
Up until about 1920, doctors had colon hydrotherapy device’s in their offices.
Then along came drugs, and from then on it was easier to prescribe. Recently, there has been revived interest in using natural methods for healing the body. Colon hydrotherapy is regaining respectability and popularity.

To clean out the lower part of the colon, enemas are fine. But, you are missing about four feet of the colon. Laxatives are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste.

In order to gain the most from your session, we would like you to prepare your body for cleansing by following these nutritional guidelines. If possible, avoid processed foods, whet and dairy products, tea, coffee and alcohol leading up to your cleanse and during your colon hydrotherapy program. Drink as much clear fluids such as filtered water with a dash of lemon is alkalizing, herbal teas. On the day of your appointment we recommend that no food is consumed 2 hours prior to your treatment.

Colon hydro therapy sessions lasts approximately 30 to 40 minutes. Depending on the course of elimination the length of time may vary form customer to customer.
However, customers have the option to end his or her session at anytime at their discretion.

The number of sessions will depend on the individual needs of each client. Most people on the standard Kiwi-style diet will need a series of six to eight treatments fairly close together to receive a thorough cleansing of the colon. Then a monthly maintenance treatment is suggested to keep the colon cleaned and toned.

Following large intestinal cleansing, the body may feel weary or relaxed. This is simply your body working out and processing through its cleaning period; so, proper rest is important for your body to recuperate and rejuvenate.
After receiving colon hydrotherapy, we have experienced that it is important to:
1. Drink plenty of liquids (purified water, juices, herb teas, and electrolyte liquids).
2. Eat healthy vegetables for 24 hours.
3. Avoid eating raw vegetables for a couple of days. Steamed vegetables and raw fruit are sufficient, chew very thoroughly.
4. Reduce flesh consumption. (Especially beef, pork and chicken.)

When a regular diet of stimulates such as coffee, tea , chocolate, and others are eliminated from your diet, some clients comment about headaches, and let down and sometimes even mild depression. This is usually when cleansing of the colon helps. That is why colon hydrotherapy is recommended with back to back sessions the first two weeks.

In the early part of the century it was found that more than one hundred and sixty different species of bacteria have been found in the colon. Of these, more than one-third were found to possess pathogenic, or disease-producing, properties.
Dr. Kellogg, M.D. points out more than twenty species of putrefactive bacteria which are found in the stool of flesh-eaters, all of which produce very highly toxic products.
One of the most common and abundant of these is the bacillus of Welch which produces enormous quantities of offensive gas and highly active poison.

In addition to the normal amount of absorbs taking place in the colon, the body absorbs extra water as needed at a rate the body sets.

Electrolytes are the minerals that are always necessary for the human body to maintain itself in a stable condition.

The confusion about electrolyte depletion in colon hydrotherapy seems to stem form one of two concepts. The first being that a large amount of waste being removed form the body by way of water is equitable with diarrhea or vomiting, and the second being that the body is being flooded with water, washing out or diluting the electrolytes, as in water intoxication.

Diarrhea is a result of the lining of the colon secreting large quantities of water and electrolytes come form within the body, draining from the blood, tissue and cells. Diarrhea is also the result of rapid peristaltic action, which causes a drain of ions to the muscles of the colon. Colon hydrotherapy does not pull water from the body’s systems, or irritate the bowel. A colon hydrotherapy session and diarrhea are not similar.

In the 1989 study – “effects of colon hydrotherapy on serum electrolytes” conducted by national college of naturopathic medicine, Portland, or. No patients experienced any clinically significant symptoms or disturbances.

Since excessive diarrhea causes loss of minerals & body fluids, one might assume colon hydrotherapy may also. Let’s see the differences:

Body Fluids: Diarrhea causes water loss without replacement.
Colon Hydrotherapy allows an exchange of fluids, REhydrating instead of Dehydrating.

Mineral Balance: as with regular bowel movement, there is some mineral elimination. These minerals are easily replaced at the next healthy meal. In every day life there are many common causes of electrolyte mineral loss such as the use of coffee, alcohol, diuretics, medications, poor eating habits, stress, even perspiration.

Therefore, we recommend potassium-rich foods such as sunflower seeds, bananas, potatoes, oranges, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, etc. & adequate fluid intake daily.
Consider this:

The kidneys & the liver are the organs in charge of balancing minerals. They become overworked by intestinal intoxication. Isn’t it safe to believe that detoxification would facilitate & even improve their abilities to manage & utilize minerals?

Favourable bacteria (flora) are always present throughout the small & large intestines.
Colon Hydrotherapy improves the bacteria “habitat” facilitating their reproduction and the multiplication. Antibiotics are the major cause of flora loss. We’ve all used them and /or regularly ingested them, perhaps unwittingly, in eating antibiotic-laden meat products, that are depleted of the necessary Enzymes to digest them.

It is introduction of higher quality in place of lower quality nutrition and a clean colon.

It is the failure of people to understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follow the beginning of a better nutritional program combined with the benefits of colon hydrotherapy.

Lima beans. Lentils, or Chick-peas. Which are eaten at the same meal with vegetable, are all superior in all the nutrients needed to rebuild health.
As we go higher in the scale of quality we begin to include protein rich foods which may be eaten in the unfried state. Nut, seeds should be eaten in the natural state (raw and unsalted)

Look at it this way: the closer the food comes to the natural state in which it occurs, or the closer we come to its raw unfired form the higher its quality. In this condition all the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates and life force are present. The life force, in turn is capable of reproducing healthy tissue.

One of the most important things you can do is to omit toxic substances such as coffee, tea, chocolate, salt, pepper, alcohol, and over the counter drugs, and synthetic vitamins.

In nutshell: the higher the quality of food we eat, the quicker we recover form most disease provided we are able to digest and assimilate it properly.
To this must be added the knowledge of:
(1) proper food combining.
(2) Proper order of eating the different kinds of food at a meal, and
(3) A clean colon for proper absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste.

The most easily digested food should be eaten first, the more complex ones second and the most concentrated items last. The correct quantity of food to be consumed (of each type) in the meal, and the correct time for eating (when hungry) and not by the clock.

Now what happens when a person follows these suggestions and makes a decided improvement in the quality of the food consumed and has colon hydrotherapy sessions.

Remarkable things begin to happen to the body as well as the mind. The amazing intelligence present in every cell of the human body and the wisdom of the body in its operation immediately becomes manifest.
When the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality and elimination is improved the body begins to discard the lower grade material and tissue to make room for the superior material. This is the plan of nature. The body is very selective and always aims for improvement.
